From Scalix Wiki
Scalix Wiki -> How-Tos
The following How-Tos are currently available:
Complex Configurations
- Active Directory Integration How-To
- Theming Kit How-To
- omldapsync How-To
- Samba4 Scalix sync
- OpenLDAP password management How-To
- Active Directory/Kerberos How-To
- Advanced omldapsync How-To
- Apache Integration How-To
- Auto Actions/Server-based Rules How-To
- Kerberos How-To
- SMTP Routing and MTA Integration How-To
- Tomcat Integration How-To
- Adding another Scalix server
- Diagnosing Dirsync
- Retrieving provider-hosted email with Fetchmail
- Hostname change How-To
- IP Address change How-To
- How Scalix 11 Apache configuration works
- Setting up Contact Sync between Scalix and AD
- Advanced usage of the imapsync tool
- Rebuilding the search indexes (New)
- Legacy Postfix How-To (contributed)
- The Complete Postfix Integration How-To (New)
- Easy Postfix How-To (contributed)
- Scalix and postfix integration with multiple domains (New)
- Use External OpenLDAP Server for User Management (New)
- Using Novell eDirectory for user management (New) (under construction)
- Change ErrorManager (omconfenu) to a PDL (not yet supported) (New)
- Manage contacts in an web-based database and sync them to a corporate Scalix adressbook, usable by Outlook and SWA(NEW)
- HowTos/Run Scalix with old mail server side by side for migration testing (New)
- Limit access to PDLs
- Howtos/Move Scalix
- HowTos/Performance Tuning of Scalix Web Application
Common Admin Tasks
- Backup and Restore How-To
- Automatic Backup Script for Scalix v10 (contributed)
- Backup Script Mbox Style
- Restore From MBOX Style Backup
- Creating a Catch-All (Postmaster) Account
- Public Folder How-To
- SWA How-To
- Short Administration Scripts
- Install a forwarding account
- How to modify web application settings without restarting the scalix-tomcat service
- Convert all man pages to HTML and PDF (contributed)
- Add a Disclaimer to All Outbound EMail
- Migrate Scalix to a new server
- Managing Indexes In 11.4.3 (contributed)
- Using the Audit logging
- Working with JRE (unknown)
Email Hygiene
- Amavisd-New How-To (contributed)
- ClamAV How-To (under construction)
- Mailwasher How-To (contributed)
- Mimedefang How-To (contributed)
- SpamAssassin How-To
- Email Cleanup How-To (contributed)
- MailScanner How-To (contributed)
- Barracuda Integration How-To (?)
Client configurations
- Setup Outlook profile using MAPI (recommended)
- Deploying Scalix Connect for Outlook through Group Policy
- Configuring Outlook 2010 for LDAP Address Book
Open Source
- Evolution How-To
- Scalix 11.4.1 Localization How-To
- Scalix 11 Localization How-To
- Scalix 10 SWA Localization How-To (contributed)
- Changing the SMTP Greeting (contributed)
- Scalix Security How-To