Howtos/PDL Access

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Scalix Wiki -> How-Tos -> Limit access to PDLs

Sometimes it is desirable to have a distribution list that only Scalix users can mail to. You don't want the outside world sending mail to the PDL. What to do?

ACIs (Access Control Items) are your friend.

Assume a PDL named "My PDL/mailnode". First you must explicitly set the default and local access levels:

# omaddaci -l "my pdl/mailnode" -g default -c "-modify -read"
# omaddaci -l "my pdl/mailnode" -g local -c "modify read"

You can check the access levels with omshowaci:

# omshowaci -l pdl

Scalix Administrators                    config modify read remove
Local Users                              modify read
Default                                  none

Once this is set up and configured, anyone sending to the PDL will get a non-del saying "Recipient name not found at destination"