HowTos/Manual Installation Feisty Fawn

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Scalix Wiki -> How-Tos -> Manual Installation Feisty Fawn

Do not use this manual! It is not complete.

Since I encountered problems installing Scalix with the existing instructions under Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn, I decided to create another installation instruction.

First I installed Ubuntu 7.04 Server, which still needs some configuration.

1. You have to edit your /etc/hosts and make sure that your hostname is in the right format. Check if hostname gives back the name of your system and hostname --fqdn the full name with domain.

2. Give root a password so that you can later perform su -

sudo passwd root

First give your current password for your user, then the new password for root.

3. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment the line that refers to the cdrom-drive as installation medium. Uncomment the other lines that gives you access to all packets available.

4. Install OpenSSH Server because you will need this for remote administration.

apt-get install openssh-server

5. Make an installation directory, for example /install

mkdir /install

6. Install the required Packages

apt-get install apache2

apt-get install gawk

apt-get install krb5-config

apt-get install krb5-user

apt-get install libkadm55

apt-get install libkrb53

apt-get install libglib2.0-0

apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2

apt-get install libxml

apt-get install sgml-base

apt-get install xml-core

apt-get install postgresql-8.1

apt-get install libsasl2-modules

apt-get install libsasl2-gssapi-mit

apt-get install libsasl2

apt-get install sendmail

apt-get install elinks

apt-get install sun-java5-jre

7. Add Group and User, set shell und home directory

addgroup scalix

useradd -g scalix scalix

usermod -s /bin/false scalix

usermod -d /var/opt/scalix scalix

8. Edit shell variables

Login as root

vi .profile

Add export PATH=$PATH:/opt/scalix/bin:/opt/scalix/bin

Add export MANPATH=/opt/scalix/share/man

9. Download packages

cd /install


10. Extract files & delete source package

tar xfvz scalix-11.1.0-GA-debian-intel.tgz

rm scalix-11.1.0-GA-debian-intel.tgz

11. Install libical

cd scalix-debian-11.1.0-GA/third_party/libical/i386

dpkg -i libical_0.24.RC4.20050413_i386.deb

12. Install Scalix software

cd /install/scalix-11.1.0-GA/software/scalix_server/

dpkg -i scalic-server_11.1.0.10849_i386.deb

13. Initialize message store


This gave me an error: /opt/scalix/bin/ommakeom: 89: Syntax error: Bad substituion

I found this error message in different forum posts and it seems, as if the command to create a short name (e.g. the first and the last character of the machines hostname) is not working properly.

I got a solution for this error:

sudo mv /bin/sh /bin/SH
sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

after installing Scalix this has to be undone:

sudo mv /bin/SH /bin/sh

This manual ends here but the installation of Scalix has not finished.