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Revision as of 15:29, 25 October 2007 by Sbyrne (Talk | contribs) (Tell MIMEDefang to change subject line)

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Scalix Wiki -> How-Tos -> Mimedefang

MIMEDefang + Sendmail on Fedora

This describes how to install the MIMEDefang milter and integrate it with Sendmail and Scalix 11 on Fedora Core 7 (haven't tested on any other platforms yet. Note: this does not describe how to modify or otherwise get MIMEDefang running.

Install the MIMEDefang milter (it is included in FC7 repositories by default):

yum install mimedefang  (if you want/need to try and install mimedefang without using yum, then visit MIMEDefang's website to download and see instructions)

Start the mimedefang service:

service mimedefang start

(you might want to make that happen on boot up: chkconfig mimedefang on)

Edit the file:

define(`MILTER', `1')dnl
define(`confMILTER_LOG_LEVEL', `6')dnl
INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`mimedefang', `S=unix:/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock, F=T, T=S:1m;R:1m;E:5m')dnl

rebuild the file:

make -C /etc/mail

edit your smtpd.cfg file in /var/opt/scalix/NN/s/sys/ (where NN is first and last character in your hostname):

place the following line above the RELAY accept line:


Tell MIMEDefang to change subject line

In your /etc/mail/mimedefang-filter file find this line:

md_graphdefang_log('spam', $hits, $RelayAddr);

and add right below it:

action_change_header("Subject", "[SPAM] $Subject");

If you'd like to test your rules, then you can issue the following command:

service mimedefang configtest

Once you're happy, tell MIMEDefang to re-read the configuration file:

service mimedefang reread

Add a new spam rule

log in to the Scalix rules wizard (either through SWA under Tools or by going to

add a new rule that specifies a condition that looks for [SPAM] in the subject line and moves the message into the Junk E-Mail folder (use whatever folder you wish to store your spam).

Restart services

service sendmail restart
omoff -wd 0 smtpd
omon smtpd