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Scalix Wiki -> How-Tos -> ScalixMailGoogleGadget -> ScalixMailGoogleGadget.php

Copy/paste the code below in a text editor and save the file with .php extension (for example ScalixMailGoogleGadget.php) Modify the three fields ($user, $password, $url) at the beginning of this file


 * test_http.php
 * @(#) $Header: /home/mlemos/cvsroot/http/test_http.php,v 1.14 2004/12/09 00:53:48 mlemos Exp $

	// Modify the three fields below...
	$url=""; //http://<>/api/<>/mailbox/INBOX/?output=rss
	// replace <>  and <> according to your settings

	$http=new http_class;

	/* Connection timeout */

	/* Data transfer timeout */

	/* Output debugging information about the progress of the connection */

	/* Format dubug output to display with HTML pages */

	 *  Need to emulate a certain browser user agent?
	 *  Set the user agent this way:
	//$http->user_agent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";

	 *  If you want to the class to follow the URL of redirect responses
	 *  set this variable to 1.

	 *  How many consecutive redirected requests the class should follow.

	 *  If your DNS always resolves non-existing domains to a default IP
	 *  address to force the redirection to a given page, specify the
	 *  default IP address in this variable to make the class handle it
	 *  as when domain resolution fails.

	 *  If basic authentication is required, specify the user name and
	 *  password in these variables.
	 *  Generate a list of arguments for opening a connection and make an
	 *  HTTP request from a given URL.



	$http->authentication_mechanism=""; // force a given authentication mechanism;

	 *  If you need to access a site using a proxy server, use these
	 *  arguments to set the proxy host and authentication credentials if
	 *  necessary.
	$arguments["ProxyRealm"]="proxyrealm";  // Proxy authentication realm or domain
	$arguments["ProxyWorkstation"]="proxyrealm"; // Workstation for NTLM proxy authentication
	$http->proxy_authentication_mechanism=""; // force a given proxy authentication mechanism;

	/* Set additional request headers */
	// Do basic authentication
	$arguments["Headers"]["Authorization"]="Basic ".$base64;
	Is it necessary to specify a certificate to access a page via SSL?
	Specify the certificate file this way.
	$arguments["SSLCertificatePassword"]="some certificate password";

	Is it necessary to preset some cookies?
	Just use the SetCookie function to set each cookie this way:

	$cookie_expires="2010-01-01 00:00:00"; // "" for session cookies
	$cookie_secure=0; // 1 for SSL only cookies
	$http->SetCookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, $cookie_expiry, $cookie_uri_path, $cookie_domain, $cookie_secure);





					case "301":
					case "302":
					case "303":
					case "307":
						echo " (redirect to <TT>".$headers["location"]."</TT>)<BR>\nSet the <TT>follow_redirect</TT> variable to handle redirect responses automatically.";

					|| strlen($body)==0)
					echo $body;
		//echo "<CENTER><H2>Error: ",$error,"</H2><CENTER>\n";