SUSE 10.0 SC RAW Notes

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Revision as of 03:48, 17 April 2006 by Leah (Talk | contribs) (Quick Installation for SUSE 10.0)

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For the most part I just followed the directions in Scalix CE Raw/Installation, but I am using this to make not of things that I tried that may be useful to add back in if they work. This is a doc in progress.


Sun Java

Here I just used the SUSE 10.0 java-1_5_0-sun package, we'll see if that works.

Apache Tomcat

Using SUSE Default (incomplete)

I never got this to work, but I am leaving these notes here in case they help someone else trying it. After some thought, I decided to follow Florian's advise and to just use the customized supported version of Tomcat for Scalix. Part of the problem I think is because the SUSE 10.0 tomcat package is .30, and currently Apache only supports .28. See

Here I just used the SUSE tomcat5 package, we'll also see if that works. I use the smart package manager and just add the java packages installation source for SUSE to do so. An example for adding this repo at:

After installing the packages, do the following:

cd /opt
ln -s /usr/share/tomcat5 scalix-tomcat

Also, you should log out of the system and back in after installing JAVA, so the environment variables work right. You'll have lots of confusing problems if you don't.

Then see Technotes/Tomcat for instructions on getting tomcat to run in sudo mode.

I also needed to change the file /etc/tomcat5/base/Catalina/localhost/scalix-caa.xml to have privileged be set to false, but I'm not sure that's right:

<Context path="/caa" docBase="/opt/scalix/web/caa-services.war"
        debug="0" privileged="false">
<Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
        prefix="scalix-caa_log." suffix=".txt"

Quick Installation for SUSE 10.0

OS Installation and initial configuration

Install SUSE 10.0 with a minimal installation. You may well want to put /var and /opt on separate partitions and use LVM to make growing them more manageable, but that is entirely up to you.

Install the smart package manager

This is really useful for command line package maintenance. It is to be used instead of Apt from SUSE 10.1 onward. More information at: and

Use YaST2's Software Management screen to install the python, rpm-python, and python-xml packages.

Check for latest version, here's an example of the steps:

<bash> mkdir /opt/others cd /opt/others rpm -Uvh

  1. rpm -Uvh


Set up firewall (optional)

I disable the SUSE firewall and then install Shorewall. The SUSE firewall works really, well, but for this doc, I show the shorewall config that I use, which could be easily done with the SUSE firewall as well. I use Shorewall mainly because it runs on pretty much ever Linux distribution (I even run it on my Linksys router) and allows me to only have to think about one firewalling system. Also, webmin has a nice plugin to manage it.

mkdir -p /opt/others
cd /opt/others
## You should check the latest version on the site ##
# wget
rpm -Uvh shorewall-3.0.5-1.noarch.rpm
cd /etc/shorewall
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