Accesing Scalix calendar info from Exchange 2007 clients

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Accesing Scalix calendar info from Exchange 2007 clients

Postby echelon » Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:27 am

A while ago, I was running both Scalix 11.4.6 and MS Exchange 2007. Clients on the Exchange 2007 server were using Outlook 2007. They had a need to access the following
- calendar details for the conference room resource accounts on the scalix server
- free/busy info for the users still on the scalix server.

I have since migrated completed to Exchange 2007 anyway but thought I would post the solution I user.

You can use the CalDav functionality in scalix to pull out either calendar info or just free busy info into an file that can then be shared with Outlook 2007 users. This was with what ever is the most recent scalix version. Between 11.3 and 11.4 some of the caldav stuff changed.

I had several scripts - which you may need to tweek.

The first script I ran manually to get a list of users from the Scalix server and covert it all to lower case. Most users would have two versions of e-mail address (e.g. and
#cat /etc/SSC/MSX/
ldapsearch -h -b "O=Scalix" -x "mail" | grep mail | grep -v Admin | sed -e 's/mail: //g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'

The next script exports free/busy info to an ICS format for all users. It requires a user account to get the data but it does not have to be an admin user.

#cat /etc/SSC/MSX/

for i in `cat userlist.txt`


wget --user anyuser --password thepassword https://scalix1.mydomain. com/api/$i/freebusy --no-check-certificate -O /export/MSX/FreeBusy/$i.vfb


I did NOT want to publish complete calendar info for all users. I did want to publish it for the conference room accounts. So the following script would grab the data for a specific conference room- each calendar entry is its own file- since the scalix 11.3 to 11.4 upgrade you can no longer pull the calendar as a single ICS file.

To pull the calendar, you need to either authenticate as that user OR to authenticate as a user with delegate permissions to that account. In scalix, users are able to access the full details of a resource account's calendar.


# cat /etc/SSC/MSX/
wget --http-user=ConferenceRoom1 --http-password=xxxxx \
--secure-protocol=auto --no-check-certificate --recursive --no-directories \
-P /export/MSX/Calendar2/ConferenceRoom1 \
cat /export/MSX/Calendar2/ConferenceRoom1/*.ics > /export/MSX/Calendar/ConferenceRoom1-2.ics


The output files are in a directory that is shared via https by apache.

To access the Confererce Room account info from Outlook 2007, and a calendar subscription for each conference room.

To access free/busy info, you can configure Outlook 2007 to use wild cards for free/busy searches.

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