Sync with iphone and iTunes 7.6

Best practice information from Scalix users relating to integration of Scalix with other products.

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Postby JasonBergenske » Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:42 pm

I'm having same problem... I called Apple, and after waiting on hold for 2 hours... I was able to talk to a tech... They said they had to change some configs for security purposes... Thats it... great... i waited 2 hours for that... Anyway, Please Florian... Get it to work, i beg...

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Postby eddieedwards » Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:32 am

florian wrote:iPhone Mac syncronisation via Apple iCal calendar and Scalix CalDAV works just fine..... :-) :-) :-)

We are finding that while the sync from Scalix works in this manner, changes made to the calendar on the phone are not written back to Scalix. Is this a known problem, or an error in configuration?


Postby IDtheTarget » Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:49 pm

florian wrote:I may want to add that this is *NOT* the biggest priority for us in terms of Apple support; we're actually more interested - and that's one of the reasons for delaying it out a bit - to get our ActiveSync Over The Air support working perfectly with the iPhone in wireless most; in all honesty, given that I have an unlimited data plan on mine, I'd rather have this gizmo talking to my Scalix server directly from anywhere, and not to my Outlook (well, actually I don't use it, I'm a Mac guy) through a USB cable. But yes, I firmly believe that we'll see both working very soon, come Apple or ourselves.

That's great...for you who are lucky enough to be allowed to use the closed beta. For those of us who have paid a bunch of money for Scalix, and who have a Bureau Director (my boss's boss's boss, the guy who runs our agency) with an iPhone, and wants to be able to sync his contacts and calendar now, it's not so great. I was talking with my boss's boss about Active Sync, and his response was something along the lines of "they were supposed to release last summer, and according to their forums they hope to release in 2009. Maybe we should be asking for our money back and buy Exchange and blackberries."

I really REALLY don't want to have to go to Active Directory and Exchange, let alone the security nightmare of RIM (classified data going through a foreign country), but it's starting to become a losing battle.

Any news on a timeline and a price for this Active Sync thing?

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Scalix sync with iTunes

Postby christophersmith » Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:04 pm

We too have been affected by this issue. Once we upgraded out iTunes. the sync simply broek. We have no current work around and heard from Scalix today that they are going to release a wireless sync version that would allow the iPhoen to sync directly to the Scalix server. Cant wait!!!
Christopher Smith
Systems Engineering Supervisor
Luth Research


Postby kanderson » Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:32 pm

Most of the resellers can help you install NotifyLink, which allows encrypted over the air sync, TODAY, with iPhones, BlackBerries, PalmOS, Symbian, Windows Mobile, and just about anything else.

In hosted edition, it's not exceptionally expensive, and for people with security requirements, it's a US company, so if you opt or their hosted model, it still doesn't leave your country.

ActiveSync will come. Whining and complaining is all fine and dandy, but the simple truth is, I went through rolling out Scalix 11.0.0 for some clients, and it was horrible beyond words. Rushing out a product is NOT the right way to build a company for the long term.

Even outside Scalix, ask yourself how your Vista rollout is going... Rushed products always suck.

It's hard and awkward for us to wait. *I* have an iPhone. This affects me personally. But I'd WAY rather wait until it's a solid product.

If you need OTA sync today, call your reseller, and I am certain that they would be happy to hook you up today.

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Postby Mouseclone » Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:19 pm

florian wrote:well, honestly, this is not as easy as it sounds.

It is not iTunes that talks to us, it is iTunes talking to Outlook and Outlook talking to us, so the 'error' can be in an area where we don't have any control. The MAPI API, which is behind all this, is written and spec'd out in ways that would allow for all these applications to coexist happily in an ideal world. In reality, however, it is a very broad API and most people implementing anythign with it narrow it down quite a bit, i.e. maybe just test with MAPI and certain servers behind it, like Exchange.

So... the problem could be on our side and we'll investigate if that's the case, but it may also well be in Apple interpreting MAPI specs too narrowly, and that's nothing we could control - so it should actually be reported to them as well.

I may want to add that this is *NOT* the biggest priority for us in terms of Apple support; we're actually more interested - and that's one of the reasons for delaying it out a bit - to get our ActiveSync Over The Air support working perfectly with the iPhone in wireless most; in all honesty, given that I have an unlimited data plan on mine, I'd rather have this gizmo talking to my Scalix server directly from anywhere, and not to my Outlook (well, actually I don't use it, I'm a Mac guy) through a USB cable. But yes, I firmly believe that we'll see both working very soon, come Apple or ourselves.



The ActiveSync that you all are working on, do you have any information on when this will be coming out? Several people in our office now have iPhone for one reason or another now, and I'm just wondering if there was a time frame on this. I'm not pushing you all, just wondering. I would rather have a stable product that something that was shipped shitty out the door, like Vista.

We have been doing fine with Funambol and BBs but some people jsut were not happy with going back to BBs. Please let us know if there is a time frame.


Postby kanderson » Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:28 pm


If you talk to your reseller, or talk to a sales rep at Scalix, you may have an alternative.

Since I know *YOUR* specific reseller, I know that for sure they offer a solution based on NotifyLink that should meet your needs. It's available today, works well, and it's not overly expensive. That should allow you to bridge the time between now and whenever the ActiveSync client is officially released for people who need something other than what is available today.


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Where is activesync?

Postby propagandhi » Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:11 pm

I'm a commercial customer, and I cannot believe that there still is no solution for this problem.

Where is Scalix Activesync, or at the very least any mechanism of getting sync to an iphone.

We now have over 20 iphones in the business and I keep fielding calls telling our users sorry its because we use a mail server that currently doesnt support it yet, but they've promised it to us.... oh wait that was months ago.....

Seriously, you need to provide a resolution for us sometime soon, because this is simply enfuriating.

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Re: Sync with iphone and iTunes 7.6

Postby Valerion » Mon May 24, 2010 2:30 am

Which OS are you running? Fedora/OSS have never been recommended for production, and RHEL 3 has been on the last phase of support for the past 3 years, completely unsupported after October. Not too sure about SLES, though.

As for OS cost, you can use CentOS 5 for free right now. The only real cost them is rebuilding your server.

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