Scalix integration with Multiple openLDAP servers

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Scalix integration with Multiple openLDAP servers

Postby vdpollm » Fri May 14, 2010 8:38 am

Hi there,

I have followed the various procedures to get Scalix and open ldap working, especially these two articles:

Both worked, and I am kind of happy with the solution.

However, each place where you specify the OpenLDAP server or LDAP hosts the example only shows one server. I have 3 OpenLDAP servers configured for fail over reasons. Therefore if I have to reboot a one of the servers or take it offline for maintenance, then i still have LDAP services.

In the example configuration, I cannot do this. How do I then setup the omldapsync to check with multiple hosts, or to check the first host, and then the second, if it cannot get to the first host, etc.

I have searched google, and even bought the Packt book, Scalix_Linux_Administrator’s_Guide, but can't find out where to do this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Scalix integration with Multiple openLDAP servers

Postby RickC » Fri May 14, 2010 9:24 am

Good question -

I also have a secondary LDAP server, and would like to do the same.


Re: Scalix integration with Multiple openLDAP servers

Postby vdpollm » Tue May 18, 2010 10:20 am

Hi there,

Issue has been resolved. Found the information at the following website, while not referring to a Scalix issue, it does give the pertinent information.

For those of you who don't want to go and see the link, here is the gist of the post:

You "create a dns record for all the LDAP servers you need,
this might improve the chances for failover when the single LDAP server is down.

how to:
create 2 (or more) A records with the same FQDN but each it's own IP.
then use this FQDN as an LDAP host.

example: = = =

this works as a round-robin lookup, and unfortunately not directly as a failover (unless the DNS servers are that intelligent, afaik win 2003+ knows if the host is down) but more for distributing work load."

Thank you Tomse!!!

Going to test now, and will see if it does indeed work.

Regards Marc

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