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How can I add users to groups in bulk?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:26 am
by ricksaul
Hi , can anyone tell me how I can add users to groups in bulk rather than going thru the sac which is slow and cumbersome and not showing all users when fetching lists ??

thanks Rick

Re: How can I add users to groups in bulk?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:41 am
by ls-al
This can be done from the commandline by using "omaddpdln". Theres a man-page which also explains thr use of a file to add multiple names to a group is one step.

Re: How can I add users to groups in bulk?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:24 pm
by ricksaul
thanks for this . I have been able to add users to a file called userlist in the format Firstname Secondname and then add the list to a a group called staff and record the changes in changes.log using the below

omaddpdln -l "Staff" -f userlist -R changes.log

thanks for your help