
General feedback

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Postby rex007can » Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:18 pm

Last edited by rex007can on Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby florian » Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:28 am


obviously I can understand your frustration that something (and I don't care for the reason while saying this!) doesn't work. Obviously email and calendaring is a mission-critical application and any issue with it is noticed by everyone in the organization and it typically creates a lot of noise. Also, I'd like to thank you for your commitment to Scalix over all this time.

With this being said, I believe I have to respond to the latter parts of your message, which I don't fully agree with.

First of all, calendaring in Scalix 11.4.x fundamentally works, and always has. Period. I use it every single day, in SWA, iCal, sometimes Outlook. I can create appointments and schedule meetings and a lot more; 11.4 introduced overlay calendars in SWA, which I personally use a lot, because I like the ability to combine multiple calendars (private, events, work) into one single view, sometimes adding other user's calendars to the this as well, to see what my colleagues and team members are doing. I will not say that there have never been any issues, especially when interoperating with other client types and external users, because calendaring, believe it or not, is inherently complex, but it doesn't fail on me in principle.

Now, the fact that you don't find an answer that resolves your issue in forums, wiki, FAQ, IMHO does not mean that there is no-one willing to help you or that we're hiding information, I think this is rather further confirmation that the issue you are experiencing is not a broad occurrence and rather rare in nature, or maybe even completely specific to your environment. IT systems are complex and the cause of this could be as well - maybe it's really some third-party software you have installed on your server, maybe it's a system crash due to a short power outage that went unnoticed because the server auto-rebooted in the middle of the night, yet still caused some file corruption. Maybe someone did something on the admin side of things that they shouldn't have done. And maybe it's a fault/defect/bug in our software that only exposes itself under very narrow circumstances.

I am very confident that our support people are able to find out what's causing this, however please understand that the investigation needed here may be time-consuming, complex in itself and pretty involved. We may need to look at the system ourselves or we may even need to involve developers for deeper analysis, should the support analyst not be able to find the cause of the issue. We may even need to engage with your OS or hardware vendor; there have been cases in the past where the support team has had to do this.

And, with all respect for your situation, that's a service we simply cannot offer for free; we have a surprising amount of highly-skilled people involved in the making, support and operations of the Scalix product and they've got bills to pay, too. Support is no exception to this. We believe that we have a pretty friendly support model in place, with a flat fee per incident (unless you want to go for premium, 24x7 mission critical enterprise support; that has different rules), no matter how long it takes to resolve the case and no matter what's involved; we don't go by time and material, even if the support case drags on over extended periods of time. I can't promise how fast it will be, but I can promise that we will get your calendar back to work. If the problem is found to have been caused by any problem in our software, we'll credit the incident back to your account, so obviously we won't make you pay for problems we create.

As for the price point, we offer support in different packagings for different markets; I assume you're talking about the north american pricing, where this is a one year support insurance, including up to 5 support incidents. I'm not responsible for coming up with packagings and pricing, but I believe the amount should be competitive with similar offerings from other vendors and, again, the rules as per above apply here as well. This includes that you should be credited back with the incident if it is indeed found that the installer "oversaw" some system prerequisite that it should have checked for; that would also be considered a product issue.

Let us know how it went; it would probably also be good to then post the resolution to the forum.

Florian von Kurnatowski, Die Harder!

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