How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

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How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby BaldBoy » Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:42 am

I've been spending a couple of days trying to set up a reliable and stable configuration for Black Berry Enterprise Express 5.0.1 bound to our Scalix server 11.4.6. Unfortunately there is an extreme lack of documentation and the release notes ( are missing quite a bit of very useful and mandatory informations. Hope these notes help someone to speed up their process.

What you need
  • A Scalix Server properly configured and running. In my example we're on Scalix 11.4.6 hosted on a CentOS 5.5 with about 100 premium users.
  • A Windows Server to install BlackBerry Enterprise Server on. We have used Windows Server 2003 R2 installed from scratch.
  • An Active Directory infrastructure. If your windows server is the only windows server in your LAN then you'll have to configure it with dcpromo. In our case we had already AD configured on other Windows servers so the only thing we had to do was to configure this newly created server to properly join the AD domain
  • A Scalix's license for Scalix Connect for Bes 1.0.1 and, of course, the connector itself
  • BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express software for Microsoft Exchange. Refer to Rim's site for registration and download. At the date of this writing I obtained version 5.0.1
  • Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 you can download from here:
  • A licensed Microsoft's Outlook. In the release notes offered by Scalix they say you can go for Outlook 2007 but I was not able to deploy it due to it's conflicts with Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1

Preparing your environment
  • First of all obtain your Scalix's license for Scalix Connect for Blackberry Enterprise Server 1.0.1 and apply it into the SAC
  • On Scalix's server console create your BESAdmin account :

    Code: Select all

     # omaddu -n "BESAdmin/company" -p bbpassword -c mboxadmin besadmin
    replacing bbpassword with a password of your choice, wich you will take note of, and company with the node name of your server - you can obtain it by running omshowmn
  • Install your Windows Server OS and, like I said, deploy AD on it or simply join it to an existing AD Domain: do a complete Windows Update before proceeding
  • If you have deployed AD on this newly created server then go to Active Directory for Users and Computers otherwise move to any of your AD controllers and do the same.
  • Create a new user named BESAdmin with the same password you have took note of in previous Scalix's account creation. Ensure this new account has Administrator privileges adding it to the Domain Admins group. If you want to be quicker simply create the new account by copying the Administrator built-in account (it will have extra privileges though). Also ensure account password is set to never expire.
  • Logoff
  • Login into the new server (the one you're preparing for BES) using the newly created account BESAdmin. All the remaining part of the procedure has to be completed using this account.
  • Install Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1. After that check for Updates (Windows update)
At this stage Scalix says you should install Outlook 2007. It was impossible for me as OL2007 claims it can't install on previous version of OL. The truth is there is no previous version of Outlook already installed but OL2007 is complaining about the presence of Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 which you have previously donwloaded and installed. Therefore I decided to go for OL2003. Install it with minimal requirements (disregard all the extra office components, themes, pictures and, most important, do not install Collaboration objects.)

  • After you have set up your OL2003 do a Windows Update: maybe you'll need a couple of cycles (in our case we had an Office service pack and some post service pack hot fixes)
  • Before you step further do check you have only one copy of CDO.DLL installed into C:\Program Files\ExchangeMAPI. Locate it, open it's properties and check it is version 6.5.8165.0 and 758Kb size.
  • Install Scalix Connect for BES. After the setup process completes, again, search for cdo.dll in your C:\Program Files\ directory. You should notice that original cdo.dll in C:\Program Files\ExchangeMAPI has been renamed to mscdo.dll and a new CDO.DLL has been created of size 101Kb and version This file is the modified CDO library by Scalix and is essential for proper functioning. You'll also find in C:\Program Files\Scalix\Connect a file named sxcdo.dll which is same size and version. Please ensure you have no other file named cdo.dll in any other directory.

Is your Scalix configured for Single Sign On (SSO) ?. This question is absolutely relevant as it's now time to create the MAPI profiles which will be used by BES. If your Scalix's infrastructure is configured for SSO (like our is) as you try to create the two needed profiles (BlackBerryManager and BlackBerryServer), Scalix Connect for BES will try automatically to go for a SSO configuration with success. There should be nothing wrong with it but, in our experience, when Scalix's BESAdmin account (which is configured with mboxadmin privilege) tries to open other users' store under the circumstances of a Kerberos authentication, it will fail and, of course, BES is not able to perform any sync. This goes beyond the boundaries of my comprehension but it also made spend a lot of time trying to debug. Therefore, if you have set up SSO for Scalix, you have to inhibit it for the limited time of the creation of the new profiles: to do so, go to DNS server which is authoritative for your AD domain and delete the C record for scalix-default-mail. We will recreate it later to restore normal operations. To be sure Scalix Connect for BES wont try any SSO, with hands on your Windows Server (the one you're configuring), open a command prompt and do a :

Code: Select all

ipconfig /flushdns
Also you may try to nslookup for scalix-default-mail and should receive a non existent reply.

Create BES MAPI Profiles (BlackBerryManager and BlackBerryServer)
  • To create these MAPI profiles go in Control Panel and double clic Mail
  • If they exist already, delete the "BlackBerryServer" and "BlackBerryManager" MAPI profiles. This may occur if you're upgrading from a previous version of BES.
  • Create new profiles under the same name. Make sure that you select "Scalix Server" from "Additional Server Types". Enter the name of the Scalix Server you want to connect to, e.g. "". For Username and Password, use the Authentication Id and Password of the "BESAdmin" user you created before, i.e. "besadmin" and "bbpassword" in the example. Always tick the save password check box. If, during creation of the profiles, you're not prompted for any password than it means Scalix Connect has enabled SSO successfully. This is not good: read above "Is your Scalix configured for Single Sign On (SSO) ?"
  • When done close the Mail cp and exit Control Panel.

Install BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express software
  • The package you have downloaded from Rim's will self extract by default in "C:\Research In Motion\" and will automatically invoke the setup process.
  • Follow the wizard's instructions. During the setup you'll be warned about the fact CDO.DLL appears to be outdated: ignore the warning and step further. You may also be warned about the BESAdmin account do not have "Send As" permissions: ignore it too.
  • Enter your license keys (you'll need a registered license even for BES Express - they will provide it for free) and test connection to SRP address. If your server is behind a firewall you'll have to configure it to allow outbound TCP connections on port 3101.
  • Towards the end of a BES V5 install you will prompted to provide LDAP settings; these should be configured to use the domain controller and not the Scalix server. BES should automatically populate the LDAP settings and only require the password to be entered.
  • Complete the installation and stay at the last panel where you have the option to "Start Services": do not start them yet.

Before starting the services consider the BES version you're installing: if you're installing 4.1.7+ or 5.0.1+ (like me) you absolutely have to do the following. If you're not ... skip this section.
  • Open notepad
  • Copy and paste the following code

    Code: Select all

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\Agents]
  • Save the document as CDOProfile.reg on your desktop
  • Double click it and merge it into the registry
The reason for that is explained here : In these versions the creation of CDO Profiles is improved by the means of MAPI32.DLL rather than by CDO.DLL. But Scalix Connect for BES relies only on CDO.DLL. Therefore, if you do not apply this registry setting, you will encounter problems like these: any calendar change performed on the portable device wont be replicated in Scalix and, susequently, in Outlook; you will find the event log of your BES' Windows Serve flooded by entries sourced from Black Berry with event ID 20265 (MAPIMailbox::HandleObjectModifiedNotification - OpenEntry (0x80004005) failed) - event ID 20717 (MailboxManager::CreateProfile (BES_CDO_5588_3) - ConfigureMsgService (80040115) - Ensure that IPv6 is disabled on the Exchange Server or configure the BES to use the closest global catalog server) - event ID 20455 (MAPIMailbox::CheckUserOriginatedItem - OpenEntry (0x80004005) failed, RefId=-1722410989, MsgFolderId=-6, FolderId=-2)

Start BES' services
  • Hit "start Services" button on last BES wizard's page. This phase is quite resource intensive so expect your CPU to top for a few seconds
  • When done close the BES wizard.

Test BES<-->Scalix connectivity
  • On you server open a command prompt and cd to "C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\Utility"
  • Run IEMSTest.exe
  • In the POP up window choose the BlackBerryServer profile and hit Ok
  • A second window appears with a list of your Scalix's users. Select one and hit Ok
  • You should receive an output like this:

    Code: Select all

    BlackBerry Enterprise Server Utility - IEMSTest.exe (IExchangeManageStore), Version 1.0
    Copyright (c) Research In Motion, Ltd. 1999. All rights reserved.
    Opening Default Message Store Mailbox - BESAdmin
    {} Unable to find user in AD

    DOE JOHN: Opening message store using
            John Doe /host-scx/cn=DOE\ JOHN
            / Administrative Group/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/ Private MDB
    DOE JOHN: Mailbox opened successfully
    DOE JOHN: Root Folder opened successfully
    DOE JOHN: Folder created successfully
    DOE JOHN: Test folder deleted successfully
    DOE JOHN: MAPI test completed successfully
    DOE JOHN: CDO Server Name:
    DOE JOHN: CDO Mailbox DN: John Doe /host-scx/cn=DOE\ JOHN
    DOE JOHN: CDO logon successful
    DOE JOHN: Get default calendar folder successful
    DOE JOHN: Get calendar folder name successful: 'Calendar'
    DOE JOHN: CDO test completed successfully
    DOE JOHN: Failed to check Active Directory for Send As permissions (80070057)
  • The last warning can be safely ignored, but if you have other errors than it's better to reread from top.

You're now ready to access your BES services web pages on you server : Webconsole (https://yourserver-fqdn-name:3443/webconsole/login) to manage users and devices. Login using besadmin/password. To BB enable Scalix's users simply access the Create User section, hit Search and you'll be prompted with the complete list of configured Scalix's users.

In our environment everything now works fine and two-ways sync works like a charm.

Note : If you have previously deleted your scalix-default-mail C record in Active Directory DNS ... it's now time to recreate it.

Webdesktop - AD Integration yet to fix
Managing and binding of devices to users is beyond the scope of this writing. Nevertheless you should know that binding can be performed by an Administrator (using webconsole) or by users' themselves using Webdesktop (they have to be previously imported into BES using Webconsole).
However if your users authenticate using AD (which is by default in BES for Exchange) you'll find that they can not log in. The reason is this: BES AD connector looks for legacyExchangeDN attribute to be valued in AD for the authenticating user but if you do not have Exchange installed ... you do not have this attribute valued. Most likely, if you're reading this, you have Scalix, not Exchange.
I am working on it ... maybe a script populating proper attributes from Scalix's schema will do the trick.

Well ... that's all for now.

Considerations about having an antivirus on your BES Server
I have been constantly monitoring the proper functioning of the solution on our Windows Server 2003 R2 where AVG Antivirus was installed. Unfortunately it appeared to be quite unstable cause after few hours random errors began to appear either in the Windows event log, in the BES logs and into Scalix Connector logs. All errors where related to MAPI/CDO operations invoked by BES through Scalix Connector. A deeper analisys of Scalix Connector logs revealed that cdo.dll was continuously loaded and unloaded. I desumed (but it's my personal opinion though) the presence of a resident protection might cause small delays in this processes therefore causing errors. So I resolved to uninstall the AV (as this server does not host any shared folder, it's connected to the Web through a virus protected squid proxy, and emails are pre-scanned when entering Scalix): the result is quite satsifying as we have no errors and no warnings since days now.
Last edited by BaldBoy on Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:27 am, edited 5 times in total.

Jeremy James
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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby Jeremy James » Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:48 pm

wow, thanks for sharing this knowledge. maybe this should also go into the Wiki!
Great work, thanks!

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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby AdrianChapman » Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:50 am

I've found Outlook 2007 refuses to install on both Win2003 and Win2008 server - no idea why.

In testing, Outlook 2003 on Win2003 seemed to work just fine, though.
Adrian Chapman
Trivas Ltd
Business on the Move
Mobility - Messaging - Infrastructure - Security - Remote Access

Fingers crossed for Scalix having a strong future!

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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby BaldBoy » Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:22 am

Hi Adrian,
that's exactly what the whole how-to is about. Do not go for OL2007 but choose OL2003 instead.

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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby AdrianChapman » Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:34 am

BaldBoy wrote:Hi Adrian,
that's exactly what the whole how-to is about. Do not go for OL2007 but choose OL2003 instead.

OK, my bad - I took "At this stage Scalix says you should install Outlook 2007. It was impossible for me as OL2007 claims it can't install on previous version of OL." to mean that you couldn't upgrade from a previous version of Outlook on a server. Both of these were clean server installs with no previous Outlook installed.
Adrian Chapman
Trivas Ltd
Business on the Move
Mobility - Messaging - Infrastructure - Security - Remote Access

Fingers crossed for Scalix having a strong future!

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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby cdonovan » Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:55 am

I'm glad to see that someone got this working. I followed your documention to a tee except for section on SSO which I scipt over for the following reason. We are forunate not to have ANY servers with operating systems starting with 'W' so I did not have SSO setup. The new BES server built on Server 2003 and Outlook 2003 is the only non-Linux server. I also do not have 'C' records in DNS.
All other steps were followed and my results are similar, one way sync. Do you have any ideas? I have checked for single CDO.DLL and it IS the correct version. I'm using BES 5.01 on Scalix 11.4.6 licensed for 10 Premium and 200 Standard and connector 1.01.
I'm sure that after my install, I ran the IEMS test successfully but NOW I get CDO failed when I run it.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!!

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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby BaldBoy » Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:10 am

cdonovan wrote:All other steps were followed and my results are similar, one way sync.

I assume your one-way sync is intended to be Scalix -> BB but not BB -> Scalix

If that's the case there are a couple of things you could check
  • Check for any errors in Windows' Application Event log. If any ... post them here
  • Check for any relevant messages in BES' logs. Most important you should check for C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\Logs\YYYYMMDD\hostname_MAGT_YYYYMMDD_xxxx.log
  • Ensure BB devices are properly configured for wireless sync. Hands on the BB phone follow these instructions:
    Wireless email reconciliation
    Newer devices

    To change the settings for wireless message synchronization:

    1. On your device, open the Messages screen.

    2. From the menu, choose Options, and then select Email Reconciliation.

    3. Select Wireless Reconcile. Click the trackball and select On to activate wireless reconciliation, or Off to deactivate.

    4. To customize deletion behavior:

    * Scroll up one line to "Delete On:" and click the trackball to change the option, and:

    o To have deletions in your Exchange mailbox affect your handheld and vice versa, select Mailbox & Handheld.
    o To have deletions in your Exchange mailbox affect your handheld but not vice versa, select Handheld.
    o To have your device ask if you want to delete an item from your Exchange mailbox whenever you delete that item from your BlackBerry, select Prompt.

    * Scroll down to "On Conflicts" and click the trackball to change the option, and:

    o If you want the BlackBerry to delete or add items to match what you see in Outlook if a conflict occurs between the two, select Mailbox Wins.
    o If you want Outlook to delete or add items to match what you see on the BlackBerry if a conflict occurs between the two, select Handheld Wins.

    Older devices

    To set up your device to reconcile email wirelessly:

    1. You should back up your messages before proceeding; see With a BlackBerry, how do I back up and restore data?

    2. On your device, on the Home screen, select Messages.

    3. From the menu on the Messages screen, choose Options, and then select Email Reconciliation.

    4. Choose Desktop (BlackBerry models 6750 and 7100). Otherwise, at the bottom of the Message List Options screen (the Email Reconciliation screen on 7100 models), on the "Wireless Reconcile" line, click Off to open a menu. If On appears instead of Off, skip the next step. Wireless reconciliation is already enabled.

    5. From the menu, select Change Option, and then scroll and select On.

    6. Now you can customize the deletion behavior:

    1. Scroll up one line to "Delete On:" and click to open a menu. Select Change Option, and:

    * To have deletions in your Exchange mailbox affect your handheld and vice versa, select Mailbox & Handheld.
    * To have deletions in your Exchange mailbox affect your handheld but not vice versa, select Handheld.
    * To have your device ask if you want to delete an item from your Exchange mailbox whenever you delete that item from your BlackBerry, select Prompt.

    2. Scroll down to "Conflicts" and click to open a menu. Select Change Option, and:

    * If you want the BlackBerry to delete or add items to match what you see in Outlook if a conflict occurs between the two, select Mailbox Wins.
    * If you want Outlook to delete or add items to match what you see on the BlackBerry if a conflict occurs between the two, select Handheld Wins.

Post your feedback.

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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby cdonovan » Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:15 pm

Thanks for the tips on the handheld... It was setup for syncing...

After a reinstall on a new server, again following steps other than SSO section, I get the following when running IEMSTest.exe...

BlackBerry Enterprise Server Utility - IEMSTest.exe (IExchangeManageStore), Version 1.0
Copyright (c) Research In Motion, Ltd. 1999. All rights reserved.
Opening Default Message Store Mailbox - BESAdmin
{} Unable to find user in AD

BB Testuser: Opening message store using
BB Testuser /VPN/cn=BB\ Testuser
/ Administrative Group/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/ Private MDB
BB Testuser: Mailbox opened successfully
BB Testuser: Root Folder opened successfully
BB Testuser: Folder created successfully
BB Testuser: Test folder deleted successfully
BB Testuser: MAPI test completed successfully
BB Testuser: CDO Server Name:
BB Testuser: CDO Mailbox DN: BB Testuser /VPN/cn=BB\ Testuser
BB Testuser: CDO COM exception: Code = 800406fb, WCode = 04fb, Code meaning = IDispatch error #1275
Description = [Collaboration Data Objects - [MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL(80040113)]].
BB Testuser: CDO test failed
BB Testuser: Failed to check Active Directory for Send As permissions (80070057)

My MAGT log contains the following...

[40000] (08/13 16:22:26.390):{0x230} Starting new CDO helper 010887A8
[40574] (08/13 16:22:26.468):{0x16CC} CDO helper 010887A8 started, PID 7308
[40000] (08/13 16:22:26.593):{0x230} {} StartCalHelper - CreateCDOProfile failed, retry...
[40000] (08/13 16:22:26.593):{0x230} {} StartCalHelper - CreateCDOProfile retry failed
[30002] (08/13 16:22:27.984):{0x16CC} Server =, Mailbox = BB Testuser /VPN/cn=BB\ Testuser Description = [Collaboration Data Objects - [MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL(80040113)]]
[30180] (08/13 16:22:27.984):{0x16CC} {BB\ Testuser} CDOCalendar::Initialize - Error in call m_spCDOSession->Logon
[40000] (08/13 16:22:27.984):{0x16CC} CDO initializing failure in CDO helper 010887A8 (1)
[30002] (08/13 16:22:29.984):{0x16CC} Server =, Mailbox = BB Testuser /VPN/cn=BB\ Testuser Description = [Collaboration Data Objects - [MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL(80040113)]]
[30180] (08/13 16:22:29.984):{0x16CC} {BB\ Testuser} CDOCalendar::Initialize - Error in call m_spCDOSession->Logon
[40000] (08/13 16:22:29.984):{0x16CC} CDO initializing failure in CDO helper 010887A8 (2)
[30002] (08/13 16:22:32.203):{0x16CC} Server =, Mailbox = BB Testuser /VPN/cn=BB\ Testuser Description = [Collaboration Data Objects - [MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL(80040113)]]
[30180] (08/13 16:22:32.203):{0x16CC} {BB\ Testuser} CDOCalendar::Initialize - Error in call m_spCDOSession->Logon
[40000] (08/13 16:22:32.203):{0x16CC} CDO initializing failure in CDO helper 010887A8 (3)
[30002] (08/13 16:22:34.312):{0x16CC} Server =, Mailbox = BB Testuser /VPN/cn=BB\ Testuser Description = [Collaboration Data Objects - [MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL(80040113)]]
[30180] (08/13 16:22:34.312):{0x16CC} {BB\ Testuser} CDOCalendar::Initialize - Error in call m_spCDOSession->Logon
[40000] (08/13 16:22:34.312):{0x16CC} CDO initializing failure in CDO helper 010887A8 (4)
[30002] (08/13 16:22:36.421):{0x16CC} Server =, Mailbox = BB Testuser /VPN/cn=BB\ Testuser Description = [Collaboration Data Objects - [MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL(80040113)]]
[30180] (08/13 16:22:36.421):{0x16CC} {BB\ Testuser} CDOCalendar::Initialize - Error in call m_spCDOSession->Logon
[40000] (08/13 16:22:36.421):{0x16CC} CDO initializing failure in CDO helper 010887A8 (5)
[40580] (08/13 16:22:37.437):{0x16CC} CDO helper 010887A8 closing after CDO initialize failure
[40000] (08/13 16:22:37.640):{0x16CC} CalHelper failed 010887A8, ErrorCode = -11, Thread activity was Checking CDO object list
[40577] (08/13 16:22:38.531):{0x16CC} CDO helper 010887A8 stopped

Any ideas???

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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby BaldBoy » Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:55 am

Are you sure you have applied this ?

Before starting the services consider the BES version you're installing: if you're installing 4.1.7+ or 5.0.1+ (like me) you absolutely have to do the following. If you're not ... skip this section.
  • Open notepad
  • Copy and paste the following code

    Code: Select all

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\Agents]
  • Save the document as CDOProfile.reg on your desktop
  • Double click it and merge it into the registry

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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby cdonovan » Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:35 pm

Yes, I double checked... It's there. I cut and pasted a second time to ensure no typos.

As posted in another forum, my Scalix Connector log is full of these...

These four lines are in the Scalix logs after running IEMSTest...
" 1097 12:59:05.781"," Logon failed - The username or password is incorrect. Note that passwords are case sensitive. Try again. "
" 1112 12:59:05.781"," Caught exception:"
" 1113 12:59:05.781"," Exception Type: HResult Function: CABLogon::Create Source Line No: 1548 HResult: 0x80040113"
" 1114 12:59:05.781"," The user cancelled a task or request in progress."

Note the 80040113 in the error code is the same as my IEMSTest output from above...

This has got to be some kind of a CDO logon or permisssions issue, but I don't where to look!!

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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby arsenet » Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:35 am

i have same error when we create an appoinment in the BB, not replicate to scalix.
Red Hat Enterprise 5.0
Scalix Hosted Edition 11.46
David de Pedro, Thecnical
ArSeNet Servicios en Internet, S.L.

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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby cdonovan » Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:20 am

Yes, BB to Server will generate those errors too. I'm starting to belive that it has something to do with the domain controller setup and Global Catelogs which I know NOTHING about. I setup the BES as the primary domain controller with itself for DNS. It is the ONLY Windows server in our domain. I made NO entries to DNS and just setup BESAdmin account with Domain Admin privileges. I think there may be more to setting up the domain controller!!

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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby BaldBoy » Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:03 am

Ok ... let's see if we can bring this to a succesful end.

As a preamble I must say I have a proper working BES server with Outlook 2003. So if you're using Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2000 there might be issues that I have not investigated.

Phase 1
First of all we have to check that a proper communication can be established between Scalix Connector for BES and Scalix Server. If you have followed my guide lines you should have manually created two mail profiles: BlackBerryManager and BlackBerryServer. You should also have installed Outlook on your server. Well ... what happens if you try to open Outlook ?
If you can open OL regularly using either BlackBerryManager or BlackBerryServer profile (i.e. a normal mailbox account should appear for BESAdmin) it means Scalix Connector for BES is working properly: the problem has to be on BES's side. If that's the case ... step into Phase 2.

If you can't ... well you have missed something during the setup phase ante BES setup. In such case I'd strongly suggest to uninstall everything (BES, Outlook, Scalix Connect and CDO), be sure you do not have any CDO.dll or mscdo.dll on your system and the restart again. This time, though, you will stop immediately after the installation of Scalix Connect for BES and you will try to create a Mail profile (named BlackBerryManager) and to open it with Outlook. IT HAS TO WORK ! IF NOT THEN YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO RUN BES Server ... no matter how hard you try.
When you're sure it's working ... create the remaining one BlackBerryServer.
Watch the casing ... uppercase/lowercase letters MUST be honoured.

Always remember to tick "Save Password" when you create these profiles.

Phase 2
Take a look at your mail profiles (Control Panel -> Mail). You'll probably find an additional profile named BlackBerryServer_MailStoreProfile. It HAS to be of type "Scalix Server". If it's not ... stop all BES services, and recreate it to be a "Scalix" server type profile using account besadmin.

Phase 3
Hands on your scalix server open a terminal window and open this file:
and ensure you DO NOT have any of the following lines :

Code: Select all


These settings inhibit connection for the UAL protocol (the one used by Scalix Connect) if the password is saved: they allow to connect only if the user manually enters the password. Obviously this is not possible for a service like BES.

Phase 4
On Scalix server you have to check besadmin account is NOT locked. To verify that simply type "omshowu -m all -l" (besadmin account should not be in the list)

Phase 5
Check your password expiration policy on your Scalix Server. To do that type "omshowpwd" (without quotes) and post the results here. If you DO expire password on your server it's possibile that password for besadmin account is expired or pre-expired (meaning that password must be changed on first logon).

Well there is enough to check for now... let me know your results guys.

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Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby cdonovan » Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:46 am

Thanks for your persistance in helping us, I REALLY appreciate it! I am using Outlook 2003 with updates as you suggested. have checked the two profiles and they (and the MailStore on too) all open in Outlook fine...
I skipped to your Step 2 and Yes, it was Scalix Server type...
Step 3 was also OK, NO DISALLOWS at all in general.cfg
Step 4 show NO results meaning NO lockout abd Step 5 show a policy of Never Expire...

Any more suggestions, I'll follow! I've been at this on and off since April and I have two clients that I can't migrate until I have BES support!!

Thanks again!!

Posts: 141
Joined: Fri May 19, 2006 12:45 pm

Re: How-to Scalix 11.4.6 And BES Express 5.0.1

Postby BaldBoy » Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:05 pm

You're welcome !

Are there any items from BES in the Application's Event log on the BES Server ?
The "PATH" system variable has "C:\Program Files\ExchangeMAPI" listed ?
Are you on Windows Server 2008 R2 ? If it's the case ... well ... BES 5.01 is not supported yet (

Again : can you report the output of the command "omshowmn" ran on Scalix's terminal window ?
What's the result of IEMSTest if you run it on *any* user other than besadmin ?
Is your "Besadmin" account flagged as Premium User in SAC ?

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