iCal Support

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iCal Support

Postby dragonbyte » Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:19 pm

Does 11.4.1 support iCal.app/CalDAV? I can't seem to get it to work, and every URL that I have found listed just returns Internal Server Error. What do I need to do to enable iCal.app to connect? Thanks!

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Location: Germany

Postby dirk » Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:51 am

Did you follow the instructions from http://www.scalix.com/wiki/index.php?ti ... -01-CALDAV ?


Postby dragonbyte » Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:53 am

Yes, that was the last one I tried. I just keep getting internal server error messages.

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Location: Germany

Postby dirk » Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:02 am

you might want to check
in a browser.
If you dont get access with your credentials the next check would be the apache logs and the scalix-api.log.


Postby dragonbyte » Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:01 am

http://<servername>/api/userinfo works fine, prompts me for my account, and connects.
http://<servername>/api/dav/Principals/user@domain just returns internal server error

Apache says No protocol handler was valid for the URL /api/dav/Principals/user@domain

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Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:03 pm
Location: Germany

Postby dirk » Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:20 am

This looks like the dav services are not working for any reason.
The easiest way to solve might be to run the scalix-installer, remove the "Scalix Messaging Services" and add it again with another run of the scalix-installer.

Did you upgrade from an earlier version?


Postby dragonbyte » Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:48 am

I added proxy_http.load to mods-enabled and that allowed me to at least add the account successfully.

However, the calendar will not refresh and the error is now Bad Request. I don't see anything in the apache or scalix-api.log regarding this.

If I browse to http://<server>/api/dav/Principals/user@domain I get the Scalix DAV Services page, my name, my email, and a big block with my Last, First in it and that is it.

If I browse to http://www.dragonspyre.net/api/dav/Cale ... t/Calendar I can see the .ics files. However, If I enter that URL into iCal it complains and will not add the account.
(Request encountered an unexpected error (domain(null) / code 0)

Also, as a side, is it prossible to allow apache to serve a website at /var/www while it is proxying the rest for scalix?

Posts: 84
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Location: Germany

Postby dirk » Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:25 pm

Your Apache tells me that you are running Ubuntu. So we have to check a manual installation (which is an essential information).
I have no experience with that platform but I would start to check the Apache-Tomcat chain starting with the first include (/etc/apache2/conf.d ?)
Maybe someone else could step in?

Yes, you can serve standard websites from /var/www and also add other virtualhosts if you like.


Postby dragonbyte » Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:02 pm

I don't know much about the Apache-Tomcat piece. I used the installer script for 11.4.1 from the wiki. It does make the initial connection and see my personal calendar and a public calendar. So at least something is communicating correctly. Apache access.log shows this when I try to refresh from iCal

Code: Select all

"PROPFIND /api/dav/Calendars/Users/<user@domain>/ HTTP/1.0" 207 3162 "-" "DAVKit/2.0 (10.5.4; wrbt) iCal 3.0.4"
"PROPFIND /api/dav/Calendars/Users/<user@domain>/Calendar/ HTTP/1.0" 207 695 "-" "DAVKit/2.0 (10.5.4; wrbt) iCal 3.0.4"
"PROPFIND /api/dav/Calendars/Users/<user@domain>/BB-SxDref-00011813aad7eb9c/ HTTP/1.0" 207 731 "-" "DAVKit/2.0 (10.5.4; wrbt) iCal 3.0.4"
"PROPFIND /api/dav/Calendars/Users/<user@domain>/schedule-InBOX/ HTTP/1.0" 207 455 "-" "DAVKit/2.0 (10.5.4; wrbt) iCal 3.0.4"
"PROPFIND /api/dav/Principals/<user@domain>/ HTTP/1.0" 207 312 "-" "DAVKit/2.0 (10.5.4; wrbt) iCal 3.0.4"

No calendar events get synced and it just has the little alert that something went wrong. When I click on it it says request for http://<server>/apidav/Principals/user@domain/ failed. The server responded with HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request.

What logs would be a good place to start for this?


Postby dragonbyte » Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:23 pm

Ok...further strangeness I have noticed.

If I create an entry in iCal it will show up in SWA.
If I create an entry in SWA, it will not show up in iCal
If I edit an entry created in iCal while using SWA it will disappear from iCal.

So the real problem seems to be with iCal retrieving any data touched by Scalix.


Re: iCal Support

Postby m.brouwer » Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:06 pm

Hi there,

We experience same problems!
Updates don't seem to be in both directions!

Is this already solved at your side?

Thanx for feedback!
We have some itchy mac users here!

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