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Import mailbox failed

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:35 am
by ppitschmann
I need to import a backupped mailbox of an old user into a new temporary user.
The old user has been deleted so I created a new user to import all messages stored into the backup file.
I tried with # sxmboximp -u "tmp user" -a "/old_mailboxes/olduser.mbox" -s --listlevel folder

the result is:
# Archive file : /old_mailboxes/olduser.mbox
# Archive contents : Old User
# Archive date : 2011-03-15 03:24:28

F-0000464081 3 intern
F-0000511945 3 intern/LT
F-0001414707 3 intern/LT/telefonlistenupdate
F-0000511939 3 intern/PJ
F-0003848931 3 intern/SCIE

# Number of folders : 5
# Number of messages: 0
# Total item size : 0Kb

It seems the messages are not imported!
logging in via webmail i can't see folders and messages.

What can I try?
For me it is not important to recreate a user, only to be able to read the old messages, so any other tool will be welcome

Re: Import mailbox failed

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:19 am
by ppitschmann
I need to import a backupped mailbox of an old user into a new temporary user.
The old user has been deleted so I created a new user to import all messages stored into the backup file.
I tried with # sxmboximp -u "tmp user" -a "/old_mailboxes/olduser.mbox" -s --listlevel folder

the result is:
# Archive file : /old_mailboxes/olduser.mbox
# Archive contents : Old User
# Archive date : 2011-03-15 03:24:28

F-0000464081 3 intern
F-0000511945 3 intern/LT
F-0001414707 3 intern/LT/telefonlistenupdate
F-0000511939 3 intern/PJ
F-0003848931 3 intern/SCIE

# Number of folders : 5
# Number of messages: 0
# Total item size : 0Kb

It seems the messages are not imported!
logging in via webmail i can't see folders and messages.

What can I try?
For me it is not important to recreate a user, only to be able to read the old messages, so any other tool will be welcome

So, someone can help me? :(

Re: Import mailbox failed

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:53 am
by echelon
Do you have a full backup of the mail datastore (besides sxmboxexp export?)

Re: Import mailbox failed

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:36 am
by ppitschmann
The backup was made only using sxmboxexp, nothing more

Re: Import mailbox failed

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:42 am
by echelon
Did you try checking e-mail via IMAP or Outlook+Scalix plugin? Do any of the om* commands give you size info about the mailbox?

Re: Import mailbox failed

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:57 am
by ppitschmann
Yes I tried to check and read the imported mbox via Outlook+Scalix connector , also if the import seems resulting totally failed I tried.
The new user I created for import is working but the folders listed in the result of import and the old messages are not there.

Do you have some other idea?

Hey thanks a lot !

Re: Import mailbox failed

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:44 am
by ppitschmann
Any other idea?
Someone can give me an hint?

Re: Import mailbox failed

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:35 am
by mikethebike
what do you see if you use omcontain?

DO you have the option to export the mailbox again? Also, what size is the exported mailbox file size?

Re: Import mailbox failed

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:06 am
by ppitschmann
I do not know how to use omcontain.
This was an old backup, the user/account has been deleted but someone need to access the old mails.
So I cannot export the mailbox again :(

The mbox file I have is 20 Mb and I can read it using a text editor.

I would import the mails in a new created account, it's all


Re: Import mailbox failed

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:50 pm
by mikethebike
increase the event log level to 11 (omconflvl admin 11), then run the import again. Right after doing that, dump the admin event log into a file (omshowlog -s admin -l 11 > /tmp/import.txt), then have a look at that file to see if there are any errors.

For omcontain, that will be in ~/diag directory, just run "omcontain", then the password (A<day of month +10>E), so today that password is A25E

then you can open the user's mailbox, and look through the folders. I have an old document I can send you in pdf that runs through the omcontain utility. PM me with you email address if you would like that.


Re: Import mailbox failed

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:17 pm
by SidebandSamurai
What command DID or still DO use to backup the Mailboxes? give us the full command line so we can see what options you are using. I understand you can not backup the mail anymore, but the command you used could be helpful in troubleshooting your problem.



Re: Import mailbox failed

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 3:27 am
by ppitschmann
Here is the command:

/opt/scalix/bin/sxmboxexp -F -u "Thomas Schwinden" -a /backup/tschwinden.mbox

All with Scalix was developed yet before I start to work here and I had not the possibility to speak about this with the developer, I am not so expert :(