How do I set up directory synchronization between two Scalix servers?

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Assume the fully-qualified domain names of the two servers are and, and you want each server to share directory entries with the other as peers.

The mailnodes used for internal routing between Scalix servers, are:

· CA is the local mailnode for the scalixca server

· NY is the local mailnode for the scalixny server

1) On the server, add the directory synchronization agreements for the server scalixca: (The date format is [CC]YYMMDD.)

  #omaddds -i –m +dirsync/CA –t “040510 16:00” –P 15 –s LOCAL
  #omaddds –e –m +dirsync/CA

2) On the server, add the directory synchronization agreements for the server scalixny:

  #omaddds -i –m +dirsync/NY –t “040510 16:00” –P 15 –s LOCAL
  #omaddds –e –m +dirsync/NY

3) Recycle the servoce dirsync to reread the file general.cfg and kick off the synchronization.

  #omoff –d 0 –s dirsync
  #omon –s dirsync

4) To list the configured directory synchronizations agreements:

 #omlistds –i
 #omlistds -e

5) For debugging assistance (only when necessary), add the following to the file /var/opt/scalix/sys/general.cfg.


This starts any dirsync requests as soon as you start the dirsync process.

6)Set auditing on dirsync to level 15

  #omconfaud dirsync 15
  #omoff -d 0 dirsync
  #omon dirsync