How do I set up a routing between Scalix and an Exchange server?

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You can configure routing between a Scalix server and an Exchange server (5.5, 2000 or 2003) with an advanced level of interoperability that supports Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF). This means extended message properties initiated on either system will be supported on the other.

1) On the Scalix system, add a route to the Exchange server using the following command.

  #omaddrt –m exchange –q unix –i tnef

2) To add a remote Exchange recipient (address that people want to see in the SYSTEM directory)

  #omaddent -e CN="first last"/OU1=exchange/

If using Exchange 5.5:

Consult the Scalix Migration Guide, where in Chapter 1, a section titled “Configuring Exchange for Coexistence” provides detailed instructions and screenshots for the Exchange configuration.

If using Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003:

3) Using the Exchange System Manager application, expand the Global Settings parameter under the Exchange server name.

4) Right‐click Internet Message Format and select New.

5) Add the name Scalix Route, and add the fully-qualified domain name of the Scalix Server.

6) In the Message Format tab, select Provide message body as plain text.

7) In the Advanced tab, select Always use in the Exchange rich‐text format section.