How do I enable logging to help debug problems with a Scalix service or daemon?

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The Event Log stores the pertinent information for debugging, which ultimately can be passed to a Scalix support representative.

1) Increase the logging level on the given daemon…

  #omconflvl -a ldap 16

…or service

  #omconflvl “internet mail gateway” 16

2) Important Note – the service may be slow at this point. If you get complaints, set it back to 7.

  #omconflvl -a ldap 7

3) Stop/start the given service for the new logging to take effect.

  #omoff -d 0 -a ldap,
  #omon ldap

While this is clearly useful when looking for clues to see why something is failing, understsand that most client actions are logged in the UAL trace or the client-side logging, so it's no use for diagnosing client issues. It can help determine why some listening services fail to start. For example, the port is already in use.

4) Collect the output of all processes at the present time.

  #ps -elf>proc-before-fail.txt

5) When you discover the service has encountered the issue you were trying to trap (aborted state, delivery failures, bounced messages, etc.), collect the logging information

  #omshowlog -s ldap -l 16>ldapstop.log

6) Again collect the output of all processes

  #ps -elf>proc-after-fail.txt

This is useful when you come across performance problems. It gives a better picture as to what else is running on the server.