How can I change the BESAdmin user's temp directory?

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Scalix Wiki -> FAQ -> How can I change the BESAdmin user's temp directory?

Sometimes you may find your automatenspiele main drive on your ScalixBES server low on disk space. You can alleviate pressure by bankers life moving the BESAdmin temp drive to scratch cardsanother physical drive.

The steps to do the above are as follows:

  1. Stop the "BlackBerry Controller" service.
  2. Create a new directory called something like "S:\BESAdminTemp".
  3. Open the Control Panel and open the "System" icon.
  4. Select the "Advanced Tab" in the "System" dialog.
  5. Click the "Environment Variables" button.
  6. In the "user variables" section update the "TEMP" and "TMP" variables to the value "S:\BESAdminTemp".
  7. Reboot the machine