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m (scripts to stow queue state)
(script to notify user on soon expire password)
Line 345: Line 345:
IDEL                0          0        257      0.00      0.00      0.00
IDEL                0          0        257      0.00      0.00      0.00
POISON              0          0          0      0.00      0.00      0.00
POISON              0          0          0      0.00      0.00      0.00
=== script to notify users on soon-expire password ===
Version: Scalix 11.0.2
Users don't get notified on password expiration, if they use IMAP clients (Thunderbird, etc). Script is designed for daily cron job to scan Scalix server for flagged accounts (ones that are near password expiration)
omshowu -e -m vusxmail | while read expiredAccount
  userName=`echo $expiredAccount | cut -d" " -f 1`
  userAddress=`omshowu -n $userName | grep Address | sed 's/ *(.*)//; s/>.*//; s/.*[:<] *//'`
  env MAILRC=/dev/null from=<sysadmin@server.com> \
      nail -n -s "Password expiration warning for your Scalix account" \
      -b <bcc@server.com> $userAddress < /root/emailWarning.txt

Revision as of 23:57, 1 October 2007

Here are some scripts that aren't big enough for a own topic.

show the g-directory of a specific user

Sometimes we have to know the g-directory of a mailbox. If you don't want to deal with omshowu every time you can use this script:

if [ "$1" = "" ]
   echo "usage: $0 username"
   exit 1
REALPATH=`/opt/scalix/bin/omrealpath "~/"`
OMSHOWU=`/opt/scalix/bin/omshowu -n "$1" -f 2>/dev/null| grep "User Folder"`
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
        FOLDER=`echo $OMSHOWU | awk -F/  '{print $2 "/" $3 }' `
        echo $REALPATH$FOLDER
        echo "Can not find $1"

As we are using the command "omshowu", we can use the same syntax to specify the username.

You can try to use the script like this:

cd `name_of_script "Givenname Surname"`

reset the imap-cache for a mailbox

A logical follow-up from the script above. With some early Scalix 11 versions it might necessary to reset the imap-cache.

if [ "$1" = "" ]
  echo "usage: $0 username"
  exit 1
REALPATH=`/opt/scalix/bin/omrealpath "~/"`
OMSHOWU=`/opt/scalix/bin/omshowu -n "$1" -f 2>/dev/null| grep "User Folder"`
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
   FOLDER=`echo $OMSHOWU | awk -F/  '{print $2 "/" $3 }' `
   ID=`/opt/scalix/bin/omshowu -n "$1" | grep "System Login :" | awk -F: '{print                                                                                                                                $2}' `
  echo -n "Do you really want to remove the imap-cache for $1 (y/N)"
  read DOIT
  if [ "$DOIT" = "y" ]
    echo "killing IMAP-processes for user $1 (uid $ID) ..."
    pkill -u $ID in.imap41d
    echo "locking mail-account ..."
    /opt/scalix/bin/ommodu -o "$1" -K
    echo "removing $REALPATH$FOLDER/imap-cache ..."
    rm -rf  $REALPATH$FOLDER/imap-cache
    echo -n "do you want to recreate the mailboxcache for $1 which can take a while (y/N)"                                                                                                                     
    read DOIT2
    if [ "$DOIT2" = "y" ]
        echo "killing UAL-remote processes for user $1 (uid $ID) ..."
        pkill -u $ID ual.remote
        echo "removing $REALPATH$FOLDER/00000v8.ofs ..."
        rm -rf  $REALPATH$FOLDER/00000v8.ofs
        echo "recreating mailboxcache for $1...."
        /opt/scalix/bin/sxmbcprep -B -u "$1"
    echo "unlocking mail-account ..."
    /opt/scalix/bin/ommodu -o "$1" -k
    echo "done!"
  echo "Can not find $1"

script to fill mailboxes

if you have any reason to need a full mailbox, for example to test a backup system, this script can deliver.


#cmeid, jan07

#global varz

#these must be changed
#if you want to use carbon copy and/or bcc, be sure to uncomment the appropriate lines below

#these should be acceptable defaults
subject="Test Mail"

#no sanity checking. only for use on trusted systems!!!

#init attachments/bodymessages

if [ ${bodySize} != 0 ]; then
        dd bs=${bodySize} count=1 if=/dev/urandom of=${bodyFile}.tmp &>/dev/null
        cat ${bodyFile}.tmp | uuencode -m ${bodyFile} > ${bodyFile}
        rm ${bodyFile}.tmp
if [ ${dataSize} != 0 ]; then 
        dd bs=${dataSize} count=1 if=/dev/urandom of=${dataFile} &>/dev/null

#set up looping, go get a coffee and have a smoke

echo ""
echo -n Sending email ...

until [ ${i} -gt ${messageCount}  ]; do

        if [ ${dataSize} = 0 ] ; then 
#                omsend -q -u ${fromUser} -p ${fromPass} -s "${subject} ${i} from ${fromUser} body size ${bodySize}" -t ${toUser} -c ${copyUser} -b ${bccUser} -a ${bodyFile}
                omsend -q -u ${fromUser} -p ${fromPass} -s "${subject} ${i} from ${fromUser} body size ${bodySize}" -t ${toUser} -a ${bodyFile}
#                omsend -q -u ${fromUser} -p ${fromPass} -s "${subject} ${i} from ${fromUser} bodysize ${bodySize}i datasize ${dataSize}" -t ${toUser} -c ${copyUser} -b ${bccUser} -a ${bodyFile} -r ${dataFile}
                omsend -q -u ${fromUser} -p ${fromPass} -s "${subject} ${i} from ${fromUser} bodysize ${bodySize}i datasize ${dataSize}" -t ${toUser}  -a ${bodyFile} -r ${dataFile}

        let i+=1

        remainder=`expr ${i} % ${displayIncrement}`

        if [ $remainder = 0 ]; then 
                echo ""
                echo -n ${i} email sent.
                echo -n .


echo ""
echo Total `expr ${i} - 1` mails sent
echo $i
echo ""
exit 0

script to genererate login statistics

this script will parse your audit logs and generate a nicely formatted breakdown of the logins on your system.

you'll need to set up auditing on the appropriate services, check out omshowaud and omconfaud to do that.


#cmeid, 20070514

source /opt/scalix/global/config

export today=`date "+%a %b %d"`
#export today="Sun May 13"

declare -a times logons users

for i in 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23; do 
#for i in 00 01; do
        j=$(expr $i + 0)
        logons[$j]=`grep -A1 user-signon $OMDATADIR/logs/audit | grep "$today $i" | wc -l`
        users[$j]=`grep -A6 user-signon $OMDATADIR/logs/audit | grep -A4 "$today $i"| grep user\ |awk '{print $((NF-1))}'|sort|uniq -c|wc -l`

tLogons=`grep -A1 user-signon $OMDATADIR/logs/audit | grep "$today" | wc -l`
tUsers=`grep -A6 user-signon $OMDATADIR/logs/audit | grep -A4 "$today"| grep user\ |awk '{print $((NF-1))}'|sort|uniq -c|wc -l`

function printemptycell() {
        printf '|---------------'

function printcontent() {
        printf '|'"     "${times[$1]}-${times[$(($1+1))]}"\t"
        printf '|'"      "${users[$1]}"\t"
        printf '|'"      "${logons[$1]}"\t"

function printtotals() {
        printf '|'"     "00-24"\t"
        printf '|'"     "$tUsers"\t"
        printf '|'"     "$tLogons"\t"

function printdiv() {
        printf '|'"\n"
        while [ $i -le 3 ]; do
                let "i+=1"
        printf '|'"\n"

function printheader() {
        printf '| '"$@\t"

function printborder() {
        printf '|-----------------------------------------------|'"\n"

printf "\n"
printheader "Scalix Server `hostname --fqdn` Logins"
printheader "Hour period"
printheader "Total Unique"
printheader "Total Logons"
printf '|'"\n"
printheader "Between"
printheader "Users Seen"
printheader "Handled"


while [ $k -lt ${#times[@]} ]; do

        printcontent $k

        let "k+=1"


printf '|'"\n"

and this is what it generates, isn't that cute? it took much longer to get the printf stuff together than the script itself...

| Scalix Server scalix.your-server.de Logins    |
| Hour period   | Total Unique  | Total Logons  |
| Between       | Users Seen    | Handled       |
|     00-24     |     1072      |     20478     |
|     01-02     |      0        |      0        |
|     02-03     |      0        |      0        |
|     03-04     |      32       |      74       |
|     04-05     |      32       |      156      |
|     05-06     |      32       |      336      |
|     06-07     |      61       |      713      |
|     07-08     |      183      |      836      |
|     08-09     |      180      |      529      |
|     09-10     |      220      |      729      |
|     10-11     |      202      |      689      |
|     11-12     |      404      |      1421     |
|     12-13     |      502      |      2226     |
|     13-14     |      466      |      2150     |
|     14-15     |      468      |      2673     |
|     15-16     |      376      |      2132     |
|     16-17     |      202      |      1305     |
|     17-18     |      95       |      877      |
|     18-19     |      67       |      800      |
|     19-20     |      74       |      789      |
|     20-21     |      56       |      737      |
|     21-22     |      46       |      697      |
|     22-23     |      44       |      609      |
|     23-       |      0        |      0        |

scripts to show queue state

these are very simple scripts to programatically retrieve statistics on queue status. i like to build them into monitoring scripts and pipe them to mail.

You may want to tack
egrep -v '0          0          0|Special queues'
on the end, or build it into the sed replacement-strings, to remove output relating to empty queues.
echo -e "A$((`date +%d|sed -e's/^0//g'`+10))E\ns"|omqdump 2>/dev/null|sed -e '1,/Quit/ d' -e 's/Option?//g' -e 's/Done//g'|tr -s "\n"
echo -e "A$((`date +%d|sed -e's/^0//g'`+10))E\nT"|omqdump 2>/dev/null|sed -e '1,/Quit/ d' -e 's/Option?//g' -e 's/Done//g'|tr -s "\n"

Example output (without egrep) as follows:

QUEUE         Messages     Active       Ever       Load [1min,5min,15min]
ARCHERR              0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
ARCHIVE              0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
BB                   0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
DIRSYNC              0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
DMM                  0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
DUMP                 0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
ERRMGR               0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
ERROR                0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
LICENSE              0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
LOCAL                0          0        226       0.00       0.00       0.00
PRINT                0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
REQ                  0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
RESOLVE              0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
ROUTER               0          0        226       0.00       0.00       0.00
SMERR                0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
SMINTFC              0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
TEST                 0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
UNIX                 0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00
Special queues.
IDEL                 0          0        257       0.00       0.00       0.00
POISON               0          0          0       0.00       0.00       0.00

script to notify users on soon-expire password

Version: Scalix 11.0.2

Users don't get notified on password expiration, if they use IMAP clients (Thunderbird, etc). Script is designed for daily cron job to scan Scalix server for flagged accounts (ones that are near password expiration)


omshowu -e -m vusxmail | while read expiredAccount
  userName=`echo $expiredAccount | cut -d" " -f 1`

  userAddress=`omshowu -n $userName | grep Address | sed 's/ *(.*)//; s/>.*//; s/.*[:<] *//'`

  env MAILRC=/dev/null from=<sysadmin@server.com> \
      nail -n -s "Password expiration warning for your Scalix account" \
      -b <bcc@server.com> $userAddress < /root/emailWarning.txt