Backup/Restore Scripts - updated with restore script

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Postby tanchai » Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:26 am

i got this error
sh omrestore -u test" -f "/var/scalix-backup/users/pc-37,frc/Test-20060410-mail.gz" -i "" -p "jackson" -a ""
Restore mailnode pc-37,frc exists
Creating user: test/pc-37,frc AUTH PASS=test
omaddu : [OM 8256] The Internet Address is already assigned to
another local user on the mailnode.
Error: Failed to create user

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Postby bguerreiro » Mon Apr 10, 2006 6:33 am

ja30278 wrote:
It _IS_ unfortunate. I've spent years watching the groupware space, waiting for a viable linux solution. I definitely don't want to speak negatively about Scalix as a product, because it's very good software, and it's _almost_ there; but there are several deal killers that make it increasingly obvious that I can't roll it into production.

Without going to deep, can you please indicate what stopped your implementation?

Best Regards,
Bruno Guerreiro

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Postby florian » Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:28 pm

Slowly trying to find my way through this topic again - lot's of stuff there, expect some more postings from my side later... one by one...

cdclark wrote:Actually that's quite helpful. I'd rather take the step of setting the permissions than expect the end user to configure a secondary profile or imap client. What is the syntax for opening a mailbox on another mailnode within Outlook's dialog box? I would presume its something like Tommy Tester/restore,mydomain or something like that?

Good question. I just tried - and although it is easy to create a profile for such a user (use users Authentication ID or Pseudo Internet eMail address) i haven't found a simple way to "Open Other Users folder" or "Open additional mailboxes" for a user that's not listed in the system directory.

So, the way to resolve this for the time being would be to leave out the -x when creating the user (put it in the system directory), but then immedidately hide it from the addressbook display - either through the respective Checkbox in SAC or through the

Code: Select all

ommodent -e S=Tester/G=Tommy/OU1=scalix/OU2=restore -n EX-CDA-DIRECTORY=1

That would then work.

I'll check with engineering if there is any other way.

Also, again, we're working on many fronts to make backup and recovery as easy as possible in the next release; on this subject, the next release will allow you to omcpinu you data into a subfolder of the existing users mailbox, so this pretty complicated login handling will go away completely. Also, you won't need additional licenses for the shadow users then.

Hope this helps,
Florian von Kurnatowski, Die Harder!

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Postby florian » Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:40 pm

cdclark wrote:-Clumsy backups/restores

Have you tried the SEP sesam solution to provide some packaging around it?

cdclark wrote:-Inability to desktop sync with a modern blackberry (and crazy prizing from Notify link).

Are you talking about USB-based cradle sync here? In that case, please get in touch with our Support (if you're a customer) or Sales (if you're evaluating) teams. We've been working with Intellisync (who provide the sync software the Blackberry ships with) to provide a solution here as the problem was only that they were checking what mailserver they are talking to and unfortunately only accepted Exchange....

cdclark wrote:Bring on the funambol!

I personally and we as a company strongly believe in Open protocols and are making every sensible effort to work with standards-based solutions such as SyncML. Therefore, we do evaluate a number of options going forward. However, as good as some solutions sound on paper, they are not really ready for prime time yet. SyncML-based eMail synchronisation is a good example of that; it is being introduced in more and more devices in a way where it really works, but unfortunately, it cannot be compared to a full Wireless solution as provided by RIM or Notify, at least yet.

I would also recommend that you work with our Sales team here; they can talk your whole set of requirements with you with the help of our presales engineers (though my role is somewhat different, you might end up at my desk if you're located in EMEA). I'll also be at LinuxWorld Toronto on 04-24, should anybody from the US bother to go North to chat about the whole wireless market - which I really feel is in a state of disruption at this time.

Hope this helps,
Florian von Kurnatowski, Die Harder!

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Postby florian » Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:45 pm

ja30278 wrote:It _IS_ unfortunate. I've spent years watching the groupware space, waiting for a viable linux solution. I definitely don't want to speak negatively about Scalix as a product, because it's very good software, and it's _almost_ there; but there are several deal killers that make it increasingly obvious that I can't roll it into production.

Anybody have any idea about the return poilcy? Or, at the very least, is the license transferrable?

Ja, even in case we can't help you going forward, I'd like to understand the details here - could you please get in touch with me? If you don't want to post this on the forum, please contact me via personal message here or via <myfirstname>

Obviously, I can also forward you to people to discuss the business side of things, if needed......

Florian von Kurnatowski, Die Harder!

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Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:21 am

Postby tanchai » Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:58 am

Hello anyone there
Can anyone help me to solve my problem

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Postby florian » Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:28 am

tanchai wrote:i got this error
sh omrestore -u test" -f "/var/scalix-backup/users/pc-37,frc/Test-20060410-mail.gz" -i "" -p "jackson" -a ""
Restore mailnode pc-37,frc exists
Creating user: test/pc-37,frc AUTH PASS=test
omaddu : [OM 8256] The Internet Address is already assigned to
another local user on the mailnode.
Error: Failed to create user

Sorry - i thought someone else would pick up this one because i believe it is caused by what the script does and I haven't tried the script....

The error is pretty clear, though - a user with a internet address already exists. Now, if this is the real user/address, obviously the script should use another one - don't know how to do it. However, to me it looks more like the script has been previously run, created the user already and now can't create it again. i reckon that the user would just need to be deleted with a

Code: Select all

omdelu -n "test/pc-37,frc"

!! Please don't do this if this is your real/main user account (Shouldn't be called test then, though).

Hope this helps,
Florian von Kurnatowski, Die Harder!

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Re: Backup/Restore Scripts - Updated wih restore script

Postby WTPsyche » Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:27 pm

Hey Jon, thanks for the work on this. I'm going through it and the only question I have is if $RESTORE_NAME in the second if statement of the validate_user function should be $RESTORE_USER instead. I'm working my way through it, so it's possible I misunderstand something, but that's what it appears to be to me.



Code: Select all

function validate_user
    # destroys the restore user account (if it exists) and recreates it.
    $SCALIX_BIN/omshowu -n $RESTORE_ID >/dev/null 2>&1
    if [ "$?" = "0" ]
        echo_and_log "Found existing user with ID $RESTORE_ID , deleting"
        $SCALIX_BIN/omdelu $RESTORE_ID
        [ "$?" != "0" ] && exit_with_error "Unable to delete existing user with ID $RESTORE_ID"

    $SCALIX_BIN/omshowu -n "$RESTORE_NAME/$RESTORE_MN" >/dev/null 2>&1
    if [ "$?" = "0" ]
        echo_and_log "Found existing user with name $RESTORE_NAME on $RESTORE_MN , deleting"
        [ "$?" != ")" ] && exit_with_error "Unable to delete existing user $RESTORE_USER"

    if [ "$?" != "0" ]
        exit_with_error "Failed to create user $RESTORE_USER/$RESTORE_MN"
        echo_and_log "Successfully created user $RESTORE_USER/$RESTORE_MN"


##### main program loop begins

# process command line arguments
# -h            : help
# -m <mailnode> : restore mailnode
# -i <id>       : restore user authid.
# -a <addr>     : restore user internet mail address.
# -p <pass>     : restore user password
# -l <file>     : logfile
# -f <file>     : file to restore
# -u <user>     : username to restore

while getopts hm:u:p:i:a:l:f: opt
    case "$opt" in
        h) usage ;;
        m) RESTORE_MN=$OPTARG ;;
        u) RESTORE_USER=$OPTARG ;;
        p) RESTORE_PASS=$OPTARG ;;
        i) RESTORE_ID=$OPTARG ;;
        a) RESTORE_IAM=$OPTARG ;;
        l) LOGFILE=$OPTARG ;;
        f) RESTORE_FILE=$OPTARG ;;
        \?) usage ;;

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Postby cdclark » Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:09 pm

florian wrote:So, the way to resolve this for the time being would be to leave out the -x when creating the user (put it in the system directory), but then immedidately hide it from the addressbook display - either through the respective Checkbox in SAC or through the

Code: Select all

ommodent -e S=Tester/G=Tommy/OU1=scalix/OU2=restore -n EX-CDA-DIRECTORY=1

That would then work.

I'll check with engineering if there is any other way.

Also, again, we're working on many fronts to make backup and recovery as easy as possible in the next release; on this subject, the next release will allow you to omcpinu you data into a subfolder of the existing users mailbox, so this pretty complicated login handling will go away completely. Also, you won't need additional licenses for the shadow users then.

Hope this helps,

I'll try what you suggested. Thanks for the followup.

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Postby cdclark » Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:18 pm

florian wrote:Have you tried the SEP sesam solution to provide some packaging around it?

Not yet. I'm "casually" evaluating Scalix (in CE mode), along with a couple of other users in my company. So I try things whenever I have a spare chance.
florian wrote:
Are you talking about USB-based cradle sync here? In that case, please get in touch with our Support (if you're a customer) or Sales (if you're evaluating) teams. We've been working with Intellisync (who provide the sync software the Blackberry ships with) to provide a solution here as the problem was only that they were checking what mailserver they are talking to and unfortunately only accepted Exchange....

Yes, I'm talking about tethered PIM sync with a Blackberry. I've been in contact with a sales rep for the last month or so, and he sent me some instructions regarding an older BB desktop manager version, but it did not work for me.

I personally and we as a company strongly believe in Open protocols and are making every sensible effort to work with standards-based solutions such as SyncML. Therefore, we do evaluate a number of options going forward. However, as good as some solutions sound on paper, they are not really ready for prime time yet. SyncML-based eMail synchronisation is a good example of that; it is being introduced in more and more devices in a way where it really works, but unfortunately, it cannot be compared to a full Wireless solution as provided by RIM or Notify, at least yet.

Hope this helps,

I definitely appreciate all attempts on the part of Scalix to integrate 3rd party functionality, and I do realize how difficult that can be. However, its hard to get the people who pay the bills to accept the possibility that functionality that "just works" with plain old Outlook, would have to be substituted with a service that charges monthly to do the same thing. I realize we're adding the ability to PIM sync wirelessly with NotifyLink, but only because we can not longer do it tethered...

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Postby btisdall » Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:31 am

Big thanks to Jon for creating these scripts. I was another person that had looked into ISS/SUR and been left with a headache (and said so here), meanwhile worrying that our current LVM-based backup strategy wasn't much good for recovery of deleted mail.

I now intend to implement a mixture of daily omcpoutu based backups with less-frequent LVM based-ones for disaster recovery.

Just one thing, I notice on line 166 of 'omrestore', in the 'validate_user' function declaration, the line reads:

[ "$?" != ")" ] && exit_with_error "Unable to delete existing user $RESTORE_USER"

Which I believe should be:

[ "$?" != "0" ] && exit_with_error "Unable to delete existing user $RESTORE_USER"

I've tried downloading the tarball today in case this has already been changed but can't access your site at present.

Best regards,
Ben Tisdall

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Postby Sneeper » Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:48 pm

I'm also having a problem with singer user restore process. It takes me over 5 hours to restore a user with gigabites of email as each step (file restores, omprepsur, omdosur, omcpinu) take an hour.

As for this system, I'm a big confused about how this scales. Each omcpoutu for takes over an hour on a system where users have lots of email. Am I misunderstanding, or will this system only work where users have small amounts of email?


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Postby florian » Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:52 pm

I'd say - this depends - also obviously a lot on your hardware, storage configuration. The time it takes to properly SUR also depends on the backup software in use and the process/cut done.

I wonder why your omcpoutu's take so long - this is typically a rather fast operation; also, one thing that's usually pretty helpful - multiple (if not many) omcpoutu's can be run in parallel, therefore, in absolute time things change quite drastically. (actually, for system moves we've sometimes run 100s or those in par.)

are you in touch with us? it would make sense to look at your actual system configuraition and compare this to our internal timeings and numbers.

-- f.
Florian von Kurnatowski, Die Harder!


Minor problems with script please help

Postby TSH » Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:50 am

we downloaded the tar file and extracted the ombackup script
we modified the proper variable settigns.
When we try to run the script using this command sh ombackup and we get the following errors
: Command not found5:
: Command not found6:
: Command not found5:
: Command not found7:
'mbackup: line 49 syntax error near unexpected token '{
'mbackup: line 49: '{

We are running scalix 10.0 on a Fedora 4 machine. We are not using LVM.

Wehn running the command do we have to put in the -h option(s) or by editing the file does that allow us to just execute the command using sh ombackup.

As you may already see by our post we are new to linux and open source.


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Postby vlaurenz » Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:02 pm

Florian, would you recommend running, say, 350 omcpoutu processes in parallel on a production Scalix server? I'm asking, because at the moment, my single user backups using omcpoutu are taking far too long. I'd love to be able to fire them off in parallel if that would speed things up some.

florian wrote:I'd say - this depends - also obviously a lot on your hardware, storage configuration. The time it takes to properly SUR also depends on the backup software in use and the process/cut done.

I wonder why your omcpoutu's take so long - this is typically a rather fast operation; also, one thing that's usually pretty helpful - multiple (if not many) omcpoutu's can be run in parallel, therefore, in absolute time things change quite drastically. (actually, for system moves we've sometimes run 100s or those in par.)

are you in touch with us? it would make sense to look at your actual system configuraition and compare this to our internal timeings and numbers.

-- f.

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